does a ball roll farther on grass or dirt information

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does a ball roll farther on grass or dirt information

Does a ball roll farther on grass or dirt ...

Does a ball roll farther on grass or dirt? Answer A ball rolls faster on grass than on dirt because grass is softer than dift. Which surface allows a ball to roll the fastest? The ball will roll at a faster rate over the timber floor, than the tiles and carpet, as it is smoother.

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Does a ball roll farther on grass or dirt? – idswater

2020-10-23 · The ball will roll the furthest on the concrete because the concrete is a smooth surface meaning that the ball will smoothly roll along it. The ball on the grass in going to go to have a smaller distance than the ball on concrete because the grass if rough and un-stable meaning that the ball has less chance of rolling a long distance. INDEPENDANT.

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Does a ball roll farther on grass or dirt? – AnswersToAll

2021-4-6 · Does a ball roll farther on grass or dirt? Friction is a resistance to motion on a surface. If you kick a ball on grass, the ball eventually slows down because of the bumps in the grass. What would happen if you kicked the ball on a smooth surface such as a basketball court?

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Does A Ball Roll Farther On Grass Or On Dirt? - Blurtit

On the dirt because the grass is softer so it will absorb some of the speed and that will slow the ball down unlike dirt cause on dirt if its hard than it will roll farther. NEWTONS 1ST LAW. Anonymous answered. It would depend. The ball will roll faster on the path of least resistance. If the grass is cut very short and surface is even and dry ...

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Does a ball roll farther on grass or dirt? - Answers

2012-4-3 · Does a ball roll farther on grass or dirt? Wiki User. ∙ 2012-04-03 01:30:14. See answer (1) Best Answer. Copy. My answer is dirt. I'd say dirt because the dirt is

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does a ball roll farther on grass,dirt or carpet. by ...

2015-6-16 · Video Does a ball roll farther on grass, dirt, or carpet? By: Sophia G. Pictures Procedure Results Step 1: You will need to get a ball. Step 2: You will need to get a carpet. Step 3: You will roll the ball on the carpet. Step 4: You can go to a park and roll the same ball but on

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Does a ball roll faster on grass, tile or carpet? - Blurtit

Answer (1 of 2): The fibres in the carpet and the blades of grass (and other particles such as clumps of dirt) may provide resistance, which would likely slow the ball down.There's also the factor that, unless we're talking about artificial grass, it's also likely that the surface of the grass will be nowhere as even as a tiled surface, which means slopes and inclines could affect the

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Does A Ball Roll Further On Concrete Or On Grass? - Blurtit

I think it will roll further on concrete because the grass has dirt, and the dirt might stop the ball and the concrete is soft and without something that can stop the ball.. thanked the writer. blurted this. I think it's unanimous, golf balls roll farther on concrete because grass

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Name Write the Can You Explain question here: Period

2019-2-7 · Because the dirt-filled wheelbarrow has more (18. a. force b. speed c. mass) than the empty one, it requires more (19. a. force b. inertia c. acceleration) to push at the same speed. A wheelbarrow containing grass clippings will require (20. a. more b. less c. the same) force to push at the same speed than a dirt-filled one because the grass

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Does a ball roll farther on grass or dirt? – AnswersToAll

2021-4-6 · Does a ball roll farther on grass or dirt? Friction is a resistance to motion on a surface. If you kick a ball on grass, the ball eventually slows down because of the bumps in the grass. What would happen if you kicked the ball on a smooth surface such as a basketball court?

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Why does a ball roll farther on grass than dirt? - Answers

2008-11-16 · The reason a ball rolls farther on dirt is because the grass has more potenial than dirt because once you roll the ball really hard the ball will slow down on

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Does A Ball Roll Further On Concrete Or On Grass? - Blurtit

I think it will roll further on concrete because the grass has dirt, and the dirt might stop the ball and the concrete is soft and without something that can stop the ball.. thanked the writer. blurted this. I think it's unanimous, golf balls roll farther on concrete because grass

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which surface will a ball roll the fastest grass dirt or ...

2013-6-22 · Does a ball roll farther on dirt than on grass – Wiki Answers. Normally a ball rolls faster on dirt than grass. it also depends on the size of ball, speed at which it is realesed, surface of the dirt(for example if dust particles are bigger then there is more resistance, that would be cement its smoother »More detailed

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does a ball roll farther on cement or dirt

Does a ball roll farther on grass or dirt. 25/10/2018 Why does a soccer ball travel farther on the concrete than on the grass? When you kick the ball on the ice, the ball will go much farther than it would have on the grass. This is because ice provides a lot less friction than the grass. Even so, ice does provide some friction.

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Does weather and surface type effect the total rolling ...

2016-1-29 · The size 3 ball with a mass of 0.31 kg travelled an average distance of 5.16 meters on wet synthetic grass, with an average velocity of 2.08 m/s. This ball also had an average acceleration of 0.42 m/s2. The average net force was 0.13 N. The size 4 ball with a mass of 0.38 kg travelled an average distance of 6.83 meters on

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The Effect of Surface Texture - Science Fair | Science ...

2022-2-3 · The Effect of Surface Texture is an outstanding science fair project. It carefully controls the variables (the things that change in the experiment) by only changing one thing at a time. The starting point is always the same. The angle of the ramp is consistent. The same marble is used.

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Surface Science: Where Does a Basketball Bounce Best ...

2014-5-1 · At least two different surfaces to bounce a basketball on, with at least one hard surface and one soft surface (For example, you could use carpet, concrete, grass, linoleum and a basketball court ...

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2013-10-22 · 0% and 6% grade, as above 6% grade a ball on a Stimp 10’ green speed will not remain still but will roll off. According to USGA guidelines for fair pin locations, a pin should not be located on slope when the green speed won’t allow the ball to rest there. Golf

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Name Write the Can You Explain question here: Period

2019-2-7 · Because the dirt-filled wheelbarrow has more (18. a. force b. speed c. mass) than the empty one, it requires more (19. a. force b. inertia c. acceleration) to push at the same speed. A wheelbarrow containing grass clippings will require (20. a. more b. less c. the same) force to push at the same speed than a dirt-filled one because the grass

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Does a ball roll farther on grass or dirt? – AnswersToAll

2021-4-6 · Does a ball roll farther on grass or dirt? Friction is a resistance to motion on a surface. If you kick a ball on grass, the ball eventually slows down because of the bumps in the grass. What would happen if you kicked the ball on a smooth surface such as a basketball court?

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Factors Affecting Green Speed - Penn State Extension

2016-11-10 · Ball roll distance on rolled plots was 5 to 11 inches farther than non-rolled plots on a USGA sand green. As the study progressed, a general increase in putting green speed was observed. On a native soil green, roll was also greater for the rolled treatment. Ball roll was 5 to 13 inches farther on the rolled plots.

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Why does a ball roll faster down a steep ramp than down a ...

2011-2-1 · Potential Energy of the ball on the shallow ramp and the ball on the steep ramps are different: PE = mass x gravity x height. This potential energy is converted to Kinetic energy or motion energy. KE = 1/2mv^2. If there is more potential energy to convert to Kinetic energy then it will result in increased speed.

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The Effect of Surface Texture - Science Fair | Science ...

2022-2-3 · The Effect of Surface Texture is an outstanding science fair project. It carefully controls the variables (the things that change in the experiment) by only changing one thing at a time. The starting point is always the same. The angle of the ramp is consistent. The same marble is used.

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Surface Science: Where Does a Basketball

2014-5-1 · At least two different surfaces to bounce a basketball on, with at least one hard surface and one soft surface (For example, you could use carpet, concrete, grass, linoleum and a basketball court ...

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2013-10-22 · 0% and 6% grade, as above 6% grade a ball on a Stimp 10’ green speed will not remain still but will roll off. According to USGA guidelines for fair pin locations, a pin should not be located on slope when the green speed won’t allow the ball to rest there. Golf

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How Does Spin Affect A Golf Shot? | Golflink

Spin makes your golf ball rise into the air. The dimples on a golf ball are like the wings of an airplane. They create rushes of air across the ball that go at different speeds. When this occurs, the air that passes across the dimples creates a

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Name Write the Can You Explain question here: Period

2019-2-7 · Because the dirt-filled wheelbarrow has more (18. a. force b. speed c. mass) than the empty one, it requires more (19. a. force b. inertia c. acceleration) to push at the same speed. A wheelbarrow containing grass clippings will require (20. a. more b. less c. the same) force to push at the same speed than a dirt-filled one because the grass

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What Brands of Golf Balls Go the Farthest? |

2011-7-8 · The golf ball brands that provide the farthest-traveling balls incorporate multi-piece designs and robotic compression as well as wind-tunnel testing. It is estimated by the United States Golf Association that of over 1,200 golf balls

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Study 12 Terms | Engineering Flashcards | Quizlet

Ari had one ball and two ramps. The ramps were identical except that one had a sandpaper surface and one had a plastic surface. Ari measured how long it took the ball to roll down each ramp. Ari most likely was investigating the effect of which force on the speed of the ball?

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