open pit mine design factors

open pit mine design factors

Determining the Most Effective Factors on Open Pit Mine ...

Determination of ultimate pit limit, and sequence of blocks extraction through the mine life is referred as mine design and planning. The aim of mine design and planning is to develop a yearly extraction plan which guides the mining operation to the highest Net Present Value (NPV). Future mines are going to be giant mines that exploit low grade ...

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Open-Pit Mine Planning and Design - University of Pretoria

2021-10-6 · of Open Pit Mine Planning and Design starting at the geological resource model, through to the reserve statement and including all aspects of the value chain. This unique course enables you to learn the basic theory of open pit mine design and the application thereof, whilst having the chance to interact with experts in the field.

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(PDF) Surface Mine Design - ResearchGate

2022-1-22 · An open pit mine is an excavation or cuts mad e at the surface of t he ground to extract ore which is open to the sur face fo r the mine’s operational time. In order to expose

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Optimized open pit mine design, pushbacks and the gap ...

2016-12-13 · OPTIMIZED OPEN PIT MINE DESIGN, PUSHBACKS AND THE GAP PROBLEM—A REVIEW 511 JOURNAL OF MINING SCIENCE Vol. 50 No. 3 2014 Fig. 3. Graph G with dummy node x0 and arcs added from the dummy node x0 to all other nodes. It is clear from the definition of our graph G that a graph closure in G represents a physically feasible pit,

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Slope Design and Implementation in Open Pit Mines ...

2012-1-1 · This article reminds the principles of slope design in open pit mines, and presents techniques and tools available to address the successive stages of slope design. Their practical implementation is then illustrated by two case studies of open pit mines. * Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 1-6469-4813; fax: +33 1-6469-4711.

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(PDF) Open Pit Optimisation and Design: A Stepwise

2022-2-5 · Mining design is usually evaluated with different multiple-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods when it comes to large open pit or underground ore

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2022-2-7 · practice in open pit mines. The application of sound geotechnical engineering practice is considered to be an integral component of Part 2 of the Mines Safety and Inspection Act 1994 (MSIA). It is emphasised that this guideline is not totally inclusive of all factors concerning the application of geotechnical engineering in open pit mining.

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Pit Slope Design Process - Home - LOP

2019-12-21 · Slope design is an integral part of the engineering of an open pit, regardless of its size. Most cases the slope angles are a key component dictating the economic viability of a proposed or current mining project. This has resulted in open pit mining operating with much lower Factor of Safety tolerances that would be used in civil engineering.

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2020-2-3 · planning and design processes employed by surface mining oil sands operations vary in distinct ways from other commodities mined by both hard and soft rock open pit methods. The unique waste handling needs, including tailings disposal, of contemporary oil sands mining requires specific planning considerations.

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2009-5-18 · the mining operation. Design of the final pit limit is thus governed not only by the ore grade distribution and the production costs, but also by the overall rock mass strength and stability. The potential for failure must be assessed for given mining layouts and incorporated into the design of the ultimate pit.

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Optimization of blasting design parameters on open pit

2015-9-15 · mines Nchanga Open Pit mines are located in Chingola, in the Copperbelt province of Zambia. Open Pit mining at Nchanga started in 1938, in the main Nchanga Open Pit. More than a decade ago, Nchanga Open Pit was the largest base metals open cut in the world. It is still among the top five largest open cuts in the world. The mine’s core

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Basics of an open pit mine - Mine Engineer.Com

2013-1-6 · Open pit mines can be used in coal mining, and they are used extensively in "hard rock" mining for ores such as metal ores, copper, gold, iron, aluminum, and many minerals. In a open pit coal mine, the pit bottom would

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Open Pit Mine Planning and Design, Two Volume Set &

2013-7-19 · Open Pit Mine Planning and Design is an excellent textbook for courses in surface mine design, open pit design, geological and excavation engineering, and in advanced open pit mine planning and design. The principles described apply worldwide. In addition, the work can be used as a practical reference by professionals.

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Some Technical Aspects of Open Pit Mine Dewatering

2015-3-2 · Open Pit Mine Dewatering by V. Straskraba, Senior Mining Hydrogeologist, Dames & Moore, Denver, Colorado, USA In recent years the increase in development of new open pit mines, especially in the Western U.S., is evident. Most of the mining activity is concentrated on open pit mines for coal and uranium.

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2020-2-3 · planning and design processes employed by surface mining oil sands operations vary in distinct ways from other commodities mined by both hard and soft rock open pit methods. The unique waste handling needs, including tailings disposal, of contemporary oil sands mining requires specific planning considerations.

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2009-5-18 · the mining operation. Design of the final pit limit is thus governed not only by the ore grade distribution and the production costs, but also by the overall rock mass strength and stability. The potential for failure must be assessed for given mining layouts and incorporated into the design of the ultimate pit.

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Pit Optimization – How I View It

2015-6-3 · Pit Optimization – How I View It. One of the first steps in open pit mine design is the pit optimization analysis. Pit optimization is used to define the most profitable pit shell (or nested pit shells) for a given set of economic parameters. The economic parameters include the metal prices, process recoveries, and operating costs.

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Development of a mine dewatering and pit slope ...

Most large open pit mines eventually require some form of proactive depressurisation in order to support desired Factor of Safety (FoS) for the inter-ramp and overall slope design angles. The impact of groundwater on pit wall stability and the role of pore pressure on slope design has been extensively discussed and

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Open-Pit Mining Methods

2017-4-9 · Open-pit mining methods are applicable to mining ore deposits that apex at or near the surface. If the deposit apexes below the surface, the overburden and barren capping overlying the ore must be removed in

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Design of Overall Slope Angle and Analysis of Rock

2013-12-24 · slopes analysis, so that importance of this issue in open pit mine activities and road cuttings are observable and un- derstandable [2]. This study tries to apply not only ranking system, but also other empirical methods in determination of bench slope and overall steep of the slope in order to promote the obtained results safety factor.

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2020-2-3 · planning and design processes employed by surface mining oil sands operations vary in distinct ways from other commodities mined by both hard and soft rock open pit methods. The unique waste handling needs, including tailings disposal, of contemporary oil sands mining requires specific planning considerations.

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Investigation of Excavator Performance Factors in an

2017-8-18 · Several factors effecting productivity like location design, truck model, exca-vator model, weather conditions, material type, shift availability, truck-excavator matching, etc., were used to assess performance, using loading cycle time data. The use of loading cycle time for measuring performance of the -pit mine open

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Pit Optimization – How I View It

2015-6-3 · Pit Optimization – How I View It. One of the first steps in open pit mine design is the pit optimization analysis. Pit optimization is used to define the most profitable pit shell (or nested pit shells) for a given set of economic parameters. The economic parameters include the metal prices, process recoveries, and operating costs.

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Development of a mine dewatering and pit slope ...

Most large open pit mines eventually require some form of proactive depressurisation in order to support desired Factor of Safety (FoS) for the inter-ramp and overall slope design angles. The impact of groundwater on pit wall stability and the role of pore pressure on slope design has been extensively discussed and

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Open Pit Mine Rock Dump Geotechnical Evaluation

2021-4-12 · Open Pit Mine Rock Dump Geotechnical Evaluation Z. M. Zovodni Kennecott, Engineering Construction, Salt Lake City, Utah ... The design and monitoring of these waste embankments are an integral part of the mine planning ... Factors influencing pore pressure include: a) Consol idatior. characteristics of the soil.

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Geotechnical factors - QueensMineDesignWiki

2019-6-28 · An open pit mine has a much larger footprint at surface, and therefore must be located further away from existing infrastructure and population than an underground mine. The depth of an underground mining operation can impact

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Lerchs–Grossmann algorithm with variable slope angles ...

2013-9-5 · Abstract. One of the most important design factors in open-pit mining is determination of the optimal pit. Pits may be redesigned many times during the life of a mine in response to changes in design parameters as more information is obtained and to changes in the values of technical and economic parameters.

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2022-2-9 · open pit gold mines in Western Australia. In cases where pit wall conditions, during the operating life of a specific mine, have been poor and/or important structures are located near the edge of an open pit, site specific geotechnical studies are required by the State mining engineer to

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Design of Surface Mine Haulage Roads - A Manual

2012-8-29 · Design of Surface Mine Haulage Roads – A Manual By Walter W. Kaufman and James C. Ault ABSTRACT This Bureau of Mines manual for design of surface mine haulage roads covers such aspects of haulage road design as road alignment (both vertical and horizontal), construction materials, cross slope, and drainage provisions.

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Optimization of Blasting Parameters in opencast Mines

2012-7-5 · mines of MCL, and it can be modified with collection of information from a large number of mines. References Nanda, N.K. (2003), “Optimization of mine production system through operation research techniques”, 19 th World Mining Congress,New Delhi, November, pp.583-595. Pal Roy, P. (2005), “Terms and parameters influencing mine and ground ...

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