copper slag milling and flotation process

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copper slag milling and flotation process

Enhancing the flotation recovery of copper minerals in ...

2020-1-1 · The following was used during the milling test work on the slag samples; a laboratory scale ball mill (400 mm by 300 mm), a Laarmann laboratory slurry press (size 13) for slurry filtration, a 1.0 L measuring cylinder for measuring and adding water, a drying oven to dry the slurry, steel grinding balls for milling, process water for milling and ...

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Recovery of Copper from Reverberatory Copper Slag and ...

2016-6-8 · The typical process uses crushing, milling and flotation. These operations create excessive liner wear rates during crushing and milling because the bond work index of copper slag is 22 kWh/t and this is considered a very hard slag. The process also has reduced flotation recoveries and requires high flotation reagent consumption.

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Upgrading copper slag cleaning tailings for re-use ...

2019-3-15 · Tailings from an industrial copper slag cleaning milling and flotation circuit have been pre-reduced at low temperatures, well below its melting point, using CH 4-H 2-Ar mixtures with the aim of metallizing its iron oxide component to metallic iron.The treatment carried out at 700–900 °C, with a duration of up to 90 min, indicated a complete transformation of magnetite within the

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2014-9-8 · Abstract: Copper smelter slag and copper smelter slag flotation tailings were leached using sulphuric acid solutions, without or with the addition of either ferric sulphate or hydrogen peroxide. Copper extraction from the slag was typically found to be twice as high as that from the slag flotation tailings.

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Enhancing the flotation recovery of copper minerals in ...

2020-3-25 · Converter slag Reverbetory furnace slag Copper recovery Flotation Milling and grinding ABSTRACT Namibia Custom Smelters (NCS) process a range of copper concentrates in their three furnaces, namely; top submerged lance, copper converter and reverberatory furnaces, in order to produce mattes and fayalitic slags. The

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Copper Flotation - Mineral Processing & Metallurgy

2016-5-16 · Copper Flotation Process Summary. Flotation of Copper Ores. Although basic porphyry copper flotation and metallurgy has remained virtually the same for many years, the processing equipment as well as design of the mills

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The Recovery of Copper from Smelting Slag by Flotation

2017-2-8 · Abstract. Aiming at the recovery of copper from smelting slag, a flotation approach was studied. It was found that this slag composed of fine particles with complex association and distribution, in which bornite was the main copper-bearing mineral after a detailed mineralogy analysis via polarizing microscope, SEM and XRD.

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How to Recover Copper from Slag by Flotation

2021-2-3 · The flotation tailing is a converter-slag discard. Process for Quenched Slag. The treatment of quenched slag is similar to the treatment of slow-cooled slag except for crushing. Slag from the copper converters is skimmed into ladles, transported to a tilting machine, and granulated by pouring it into a quench trough.

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Chapter 6 Copper Production Technology

1996-11-20 · for producing copper, from exploration, through mining and milling, to smelting and refining or solvent extraction and electrowinning. The chap-ter begins with an overview of the history of cop-per technology development. Then, for each stage i n copper production, it reviews the cur-rent state-of-the-art, identifies recent technologi-

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Enhancing the flotation recovery of copper minerals in ...

The cumulative copper recoveries increased markedly to over 90%, which represents a significant improvement in comparison to the recoveries obtained from the mill-float process. Sodium alkyl dithiophosphate, mercaptobenzothiazole (FC7245) was found to be the secondary flotation reagent that gave the best copper recoveries.

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The Recovery of Copper from Smelting Slag by Flotation

2017-2-8 · Abstract. Aiming at the recovery of copper from smelting slag, a flotation approach was studied. It was found that this slag composed of fine particles with complex association and distribution, in which bornite was the main copper-bearing mineral after a detailed mineralogy analysis via polarizing microscope, SEM and XRD.

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Upgrading copper slag cleaning tailings for re-use ...

Abstract. Tailings from an industrial copper slag cleaning milling and flotation circuit have been pre-reduced at low temperatures, well below its melting

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Effects of fluxing conditions on copper smelting slag

2016-12-5 · slag is processed by slow cooling, milling and flotation at Fangyuan. Bottom blown oxygen copper smelting technology has demonstrated great potential and will be transferred to other plants around the World. In addition to the flotation process, pyrometallurgical slag cleaning has to be provided as an alternative technology for recovery of ...

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Mineralogical and morphological factors affecting the ...

Separating copper and arsenic has always been a major problem in the copper slag flotation process, which influences copper slag utilization and the environmental safety. A comparative study of flash smelting furnace (FSF) slag and its flotation products (concentrate and tailing) reveals the factors

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and time were investigated for the sulfurization process and effect of collector type and dosage, pH, particle size and flotation time for the flotation process. It was found that the slag contained 0.37% Cu and 0.19 % Ni as Copper oxide and Nickel oxide and other mineral phases such as fayalite, cuprospinnel and pentlandite.

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Holland, Keiran; Eriç, R. Hürman; Taskinen, Pekka ...

superscript ° to elemental form. In terms of copper recovery, it is thus quite important how the copper slag has been processed and cooled post the smelting or converting furnace, EF and prior to the milling and flotation step. Far less important, in this respect, is the actual smelting and converting technology upstream of the slag cleaning step.

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Chapter 6 Copper Production Technology

1996-11-20 · for producing copper, from exploration, through mining and milling, to smelting and refining or solvent extraction and electrowinning. The chap-ter begins with an overview of the history of cop-per technology development. Then, for each stage i n copper production, it reviews the cur-rent state-of-the-art, identifies recent technologi-

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Characteristics and chemical speciation of waste copper slag

2021-1-6 · Waste copper slag contains abundant valuable metal element Fe, and residual elements such as Cu, As, Pb, Zn, and Mo. Simply stockpiling or landfilling would waste valuable metal resources and cause contamination due to the leachable harmful elements. In this paper, the HJ/T299-2007 test and TCLP test have been utilized to evaluate the leaching toxicity of

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Upgrading copper slag cleaning tailings for re-use ...

Abstract. Tailings from an industrial copper slag cleaning milling and flotation circuit have been pre-reduced at low temperatures, well below its melting

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Copper Recovery Through Smelter Slag Flotation in

2021-4-15 · copper grade of 16,11% and copper recovery of 69,90% was achieved. The copper grade on tailings was only 0,2%. Another aspect that can affect both the milling and flotation of CS is the cooling behavior of the slag. Several researchers have reported that slow cooling of the slag can lead to an improvement in copper recovery because of the ...

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Mineralogical and morphological factors affecting the ...

Separating copper and arsenic has always been a major problem in the copper slag flotation process, which influences copper slag utilization and the environmental safety. A comparative study of flash smelting furnace (FSF) slag and its flotation products (concentrate and tailing) reveals the factors

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Recovery of cobalt from converter slag of Chambishi

2011-9-28 · slag followed by milling and flotation, are inappropriate for cobalt recovery from converter slag [7−8]. Recently, hydrometallurgical processes for cobalt recovery from slag by selective leaching of metal values were reported [9−12]. For low content of cobalt in converter slag, however, plentiful slag is put through the entire process,

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Copper Mining and Processing: Processing Copper Ores ...

2022-2-9 · Copper processing is a complicated process that begins with mining of the ore (less than 1% copper) and ends with sheets of 99.99% pure copper called cathodes, which will ultimately be made into products for everyday use.The most common types of ore, copper oxide and copper sulfide, undergo two different processes, hydrometallurgy and pyrometallurgy,

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2015-4-5 · Mihajlović - The effect of cooling rate of slag from primary copper production 129 In Table 1 an overview is given of copper content in flotation tailings in smelters which process slag by flotation. Table 1. Copper content in flotation tailings in different smelters Smelter %Cu Almalykskii, Russia 0,27 Garfield, USA 0,48 Guixi, China 0,50

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Process Description and Abbreviated History of Anglo ...

2006-2-28 · gangue from the converter, while a slag milling and flotation circuit treats the slag from the electric furnaces. The concentrate handling section currently treats around 72 000 t of wet concentrate per month. The electric furnaces smelt between 42 000 and 60 000 t of new concentrate per month (excluding recycle streams), while the converting

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COPPER Copper production - TU Delft

2008-12-16 · Flotation of non-sulfide copper minerals is rare because these ores are mostly subjected to hydrometallurgical copper recovery, for example, heap leaching. In Zambia and Zaire, however, siliceous copper oxide ores are floated with fatty acid collectors, and dolomitic copper oxide ores are sulfidized with sodium hydrogensulfide and then floated ...

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25.3 Crushing and milling | Mining of mineral resources ...

Flotation. Flotation makes use of density separation, but in a special way. Chemicals are added to change the surface properties of the valuable minerals so that air bubbles can attach to them. The minerals are mixed with water to make a slurry, almost like a watery mud. Air bubbles are blown through the slurry and the minerals attach to the ...

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